Peter Varadi's Archive iPhone / iPad App is out now!

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I’m pleased to announce that our Official iOS App has been released to AppStore. We are very proud of the App that we worked so hard in the past months. The App works on both iPhone and iPad and supports all features we have in the Web App. It has an intuitive swipe to indent […]

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New version and bugfixes

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We are preparing the iPhone/iPad app to submit to Apple. Today we have released a new version of the Web app with some bigger changes on the API part to feed the iOS app. This new version includes a huge number of bugfixes and some new features on the web UI too. The biggest change […]

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Summer Release

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Here at SixType We have been quite busy lately with the iPhone/iPad app. I can tell you we are already very excited about the App as it’s going to be really great. We want to make sure it’s absolutely flawless before submitting to Apple and releasing it, so we are in bug fixing mode […]

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New Features are coming soon

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We have been spending the last couple of months working on native Mobile apps for The iPhone app is still in progress because we need to make sure it’s flawless before we release it. The reason for the post is to let you guys know we are planning to release a couple of new […]

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How to Share a Project

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Sharing a project is quite simple. Click on the project you want to share, and select Share from the options menu. A ‘Share Project’ window pops up where you can enter who you want to share this project with. After entering one or more email addresses, you can select to Apply this share to all […]

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How to use Notes

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With our latest release we introduced Notes for tasks. Now it’s time to get into the details and describe how exactly it works. The first thing you notice is that the Task Entry field has been extended In the Notes section you can type any text or copy paste some content from other webpages. Please […]

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Spring Release. Pro Features!

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Yes! We have just released the long waited Pro features. We have been testing and working on this release in the past few months so we are very excited to let you know it’s finally released. We are going to create separate posts about the bigger features, so please consider the following as only summary of […]

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April Release

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With the last release over the past weekend we introduced a couple of long waited features. One of these is the Empty recycle Bin feature. Hover over your mouse to the recycle bin and you will find an a new menu item in the usual place. Clicking on the menu item will permanently delete all […]

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New features, March Release

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Today we have released a couple of new features, improvements and bug-fixes. We are trying to release in every month or two to keep the new things coming meanwhile we are still working on bigger features. The new features in nutshell: Links Now you can add links to your todo list. Links will be highlighted […]

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Tagged with: [ , , , , ] on Google Chrome Web Store

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It has been two months since we posted on the Chrome Web Store. I have seen some people already blogging about their experience in the store and I’d like to share some thoughts on how the Chrome Web Store has performed for us. We were lucky enough to be featured in the store when […]

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