Project holds a number of items. Every Item in the system belongs to a Project. If an Item doesn’t have a Project assigned to it, it only displayed in the Inbox. Projects can be in hierarchy containing other projects.
Projects API Methods
Object Representation
ProjectObject C# representation:
public class ProjectObject
public long Id;
public string Content;
public int ItemsCount;
public int? Icon;
public int ItemType;
public long? ParentId;
public bool? Collapsed;
public int? ItemOrder;
public List<ProjectObject> Children = new List<ProjectObject>();
public bool? IsProjectShared;
public string ProjectShareOwnerName;
public string ProjectShareOwnerEmail;
public bool IsShareApproved;
public bool IsOwnProject;
Currently there are a number of predefined icons for a Project. In the future this will be extended with custom icons that the users can upload.
To make it simple to use, and compatible in the future versions, there is a API to get the actual URL of the Icon.
The Icon Object in C#
public class IconObject
public long Id;
public string URL;
The ItemType is described at the Items section
IsProjectShared property states whether this project is shared. Even in case it’s your project but you have shared it, or this project has been shared with you, this property is true.
ProjectShareOwnerName and ProjectShareOwnerEmail
ProjectShareOwnerName contains the name of the person who shared this project with you. In case it’s your project, this property is empty.
ProjectShareOwnerEmail same as above with Email. In case it’s your project, it’s empty.
IsShareApproved property states if you have approved this shared project. It’s only used when someone shared this project with you. You need to approve that share to see it in your list.
IsOwnProject states if it’s your own project.